MAKING PEDs will be actively sharing the experiences generated from developing and implementing Digital Twins for decision-support. Whether you are a city expert, urban planner, co-creation expert, or city leader: We are happy to share.

Implementation Experience

We will be supporting the development of Positive Energy Districts in 4 European cities by tailoring Digital Twins as decision-support tool for public authorities. As you can imagine, this will generate lots of hands-on experience. We are happy to share our learnings.

Challenges and Failures

From ‘best practice’ to what’s best for you to learn. While we are happy to share learnings, we will not shy away from addressing challenges we experienced and failures we had to deal with. We’d rather not see you repeat mistakes already made elsewhere.

Yes, get me the insight.

We’ll be happy to share with you. However, we’re not there just yet as the various interventions will only be starting soon. Drop us a message and we will get back to you once we have insights to share.