The cities involved in the MAKING PEDs project will be tackling a wide variety of challenges in the development of their respective Positive Energy Districts. These areas will act as Urban Living Labs (ULLs) to contribute to the co-creation of innovative methodologies that get continuously tested in the decision-making processes of the public authorities.

Baerum - Fornebu

The City of Bærum is transforming the former Oslo Airport Fornebu into a green and zero-emission district with around 11,000 housing units. Goal of the MAKING PEDs project is to use Digital Twins to assess the needs of future stakeholders and make decisions accordingly for a mixed-use pilot area with around 1,300 apartments, public buildings, schools and retail outlets.

  • The selected Zero Emission Area consists of a mix of existing and new buildings, featuring schools, kindergartens, a nursing home, apartments as well as a variety of commercial buildings. The project will use Digital Twins and its 3D simulations as a tool to interact with (future) residential, public, and commercial tenants.

  • One of the key challenges is to assess the needs of future residents and users in and around buildings and infrastructure not even built yet. The dedicated Digital Twin will help visualize the area and help stakeholders imagine the use of this newly developed area, providing a better basis for municipal decision-making.

  • While public participation in Norway has a strong tradition for urban regeneration and single-building projects, the challenge is to get all stakeholders involved that will (or might) be ultimately using the area. The project will include citizens and families, users, managers and workers for the public buildings, as well as businesses, retailers and f&b outlets.

Linz - Franckviertel

The City of Linz has selected the former working-class neighbourhood of Franckviertel with its approx. 7,000 inhabitants as pilot area for MAKING PEDs. The district is currently undergoing rapid social, economic, and spatial transformation and has even been selected a demonstration area in Austria’s national programme on climate neutrality.

  • In Franckviertel the city will be pioneering several approaches to transform a district and evaluate their impact on a climate neutral and social redevelopment path. While it will be a critical part of the project to involve citizens, the City of Linz will be also focusing on developing a feasible funding model for city-wide rollout.

  • One critical task will be the transformation from gas – as the districts main source of energy for room climate, cooking, and water heating – to renewable energy sources. This will require intensive co-creation and communication with citizens, as this transformation will impact many of their daily habits.

  • This massive transformation requires the collaboration of key infrastructure owners, such as the utility and public transport provider, as well as the local communities of citizens, businesses, and public stakeholders. On top comes the collaboration with institutions that are working on ways to monitor progress and results.

Civitavecchia - San Liborio

The San Liborio district in Civitavecchia is a predominantly residential area which the municipality has selected for development into a climate neutral Positive Energy District. Within this area it is that ATER, the regional housing provider for vulnerable and low-income citizens, will be (re)developing 11 buildings for approx. 1,000 tenants with the aim of substantially increasing energy performance.

  • The selected Area consists of a mix of old and renewed new buildings. The project will use Digital Twins and its 3D simulations as a tool to interact with residential tenants.

    The integration of BIM with Digital Twin technology would allow real-time virtual simulations, collecting the data needed to improve energy efficiency and comfort of occupants in buildings.

  • ATER Civitavecchia is focusing on sustainable urban development, with the aim of improving energy efficiency and reducing poverty through the use of digital twins and GIS systems in the district of San Liborio. The objectives include improving living conditions, promoting community involvement and increasing environmental awareness.

  • The project will include stakeholders that works to achieve the development of the research as main actors, already included in the project activities at different levels. The project involves the tenants of ATER, companies in the Lazio region, the municipality of Civitavecchia, associations and local partners.

Sant Esteve de Palautordera

The municipality of Sant Esteve de Palautordera is a small town located in the west side of the mountain area of Montseny (Catalonia). The total population is about 3.000 inhabitants with 10% living in the disseminated area of Santa Margarida. Tools developed in MAKING PEDs project will support technicians and politicians to take informed decisions on the path towards climate netruality.

  • The specific area of intervention is still to be decided in a co-creation and digitally driven process. Several options may include the support to create Citizen Energy Communities or analyse new residential areas to be built in town to become climate neutral.

  • The ultimate goal for the municipality to participate in the project is to have a Digital Twin of the built environment to assess and design strategies and specific solutions to become energy positive. The dedicated tool will help visualize different scenarios for transformation in the town, not only to politicians and technicians, also to stakeholders.

  • Several spaces in the town can be used to interact with different stakeholders in living lab activities, supported by the Digital Twins. Objectives and potential solutions will be discussed with relevant actors which includes besides residents several active groups of citizens (promoters of Energy Communities, co-living groups), commercial associations, building companies and supra-municipality entities.